Thursday, 1 August 2013

Start Spreading The News

Now, as regular readers are aware from reading my huge array of blogs, I love strange things, so as a result I'm always out there, mobile phone camera in hand, snapping away for inspiration.  Of course, there's nothing better in my eyes than a tacky nightclub, but not having crossed the threshold of such a place since 1999 I feel that I'm ill-equipped to comment.  I was however impressed by the New York, New York night spot which is located on the sea front in Herne Bay:

Do you reckon that Herne Bay is, by association 'the town that never sleeps'?  Personally with the sheer number of pensioners and small dogs around, I very much doubt it, but there's an awful bunch of chavs who reside on one of the seafront properties near the Hampton who play their darn music so loud that I reckon that it can be heard over in Essex.  Maybe I should have packed my high heels, hot pants and danced the night away, but I feel far too old to do so; I never enjoyed going to night venues anyway as they were too loud, I couldn't maintain a decent conversation and quite frankly, I prefer a nice mug of cocoa, a lie down and a good book to keep me company in the evenings. 

Whilst out shopping for a loaf of bread this morning I spied this outside the convenience store:

Now, I must admit that I haven't read the corresponding article, but surely this is much worse than say, the demise of an 'unfriendly pensioner'?  Unfortunately most of the older people I seem to encounter these days tend to be unfriendly, but maybe I'll be like that too in my dotage?  I'm already reading Mother's collection of Saga magazines which date back to 2005/6 which seem to congregate in this bungalow; personally I think that they're OK, but somewhat limited.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I find articles about Des Lynam slightly enticing and finding a suitably adapted bath will be a breeze once I hit the age of 50.  I am already hoping that my husband, The Duke, will be purchasing a pair of slacks, a blazer and a cravat pretty soon as I feel as though this will give him the gravitas he long deserves.

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